Acupuncture for Fertility
Are you having trouble conceiving? Have you experienced one or more miscarriages? Have you been diagnosed with infertility?
We are here to help support your fertility journey. Our fertility package was designed to get you healthy and ready for conception and beyond. Chinese Medicine has been studied and proven to help women conceive in shorter amounts of time and have healthier pregnancies. The benefits of acupuncture for fertility include: increased blood flow to the uterus and pelvic region, balance of hormones, reduction of stress causing fertility issues, regulation of blood sugar levels, improved uterine lining, and a better quality of follicles.
It is advisable for women to receive acupuncture once per week for 3 months before trying to get pregnant, but most women wait until they are ready to start treatments and that’s okay too. We continue treatments until you get a positive pregnancy test. Acupuncture is also very effective for the prevention of miscarriages once you’re pregnant. We will also discuss nutrition, lifestyle modifications and herbal medicine.
The fertility package offers 12 treatments once per week at a discounted rate. If you conceive before the end of the 12 treatments, you may use the remaining until you are 12 weeks postpartum. Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine is very effective for most pregnancy and postpartum health concerns.
Cost: $799(A savings of $220!)